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Internship în Inginerie Civilă în Polonia

Universitatea Biesko Biala din Polonia oferă, pentru studenții care doresc, internship in Inginerie Civilă, în perioada 15 iunie – 17 septembrie 2018. Termen de depunere a cererilor – 10 aprilie 2018.

Detalii, în fișierul pdf atașat

Textul mesajului primit este următorul:

Dear Coordinators, Partners and Colleagues,

University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland invites students from our partner universities to participate in Erasmus+ internship programme, which was prepared for students from the area of civil engineering.

Civil engineering summer internship starts on 15th of June and finishes on 17th of September.

During that time participants will take part in: workshops, laboratories, lectures and practical projects. They will cooperate with national and international professors and experts from the area of civil engineering. Moreover University of Bielsko-Biala guarantees trips, social programme, English language course for students and visits in local companies who are in charge of building and construction – to enrich the practical knowledge of students.

Students are composing their internship programme based on several modules and create their own, the most suitable programme.

Each year 30 students are participating in summer internship camp organized at the University of Bielsko-Biala. It is time to spread over our offer for civil engineering.

The minimum number of students for civil engineering is 15 students.

The deadline for sending documents (nomination letter and training agreement) is 10th of April 2018.

Mail contact: international@ath.bielsko.pl

I would kindly ask you to promote this offer with yours students who are mostly welcome at the University of Bielsko-Biala.

Yours sincerely,
Dagmara Mika PhD
Institutional Coordinator for Internships and Education Advisory
Centre of International Exchange
University of Bielsko-Biala
ul. Willowa 2
43-309 Bielsko-Biała
Phone: +48 (33)8279-434
e-mail: dmika@ath.bielsko.pl